Attending an accredited college is vital to earning the best education possible. Understanding the accreditation process is lost on many people when they are choosing a higher education institution.
College Accreditation: What It Is and Why It Matters
The Importance of Spiritual Development
How are today's colleges addressing spiritual development?
To remain relevant in 21st century America, colleges need to understand the desire of students to have meaning and purpose in life.
Benefits of Attending an Institution Focused on Christian Higher Ed
Past studies have claimed that millennials are the least outwardly religious American generation in decades. But that is no longer true. Millennial attitudes towards God are changing and schools[...]
The Role Bible Colleges Play in Replacing Aging Ministers
Now is a great time for young adults with a Theology degree from a Bible College to become ministers.
Advantages of Private Christian Colleges
Picking a college or University may be the first major decision a young adult makes in their journey toward claiming their future. It is not to be taken lightly. Therefore, let's explore the[...]
Great Lakes Christian College History
Over a generation ago, men and women of God were deeply concerned with the lack of vitality and the shrinking numbers of Christian Churches/Churches of Christ in Michigan. Their concern led to plans[...]
10 Must-Dos This Summer Before College Starts
Summer officially starts this weekend. If you are starting college in the fall, now is a good time to think about how you are going to spend your last summer before college starts.
The TRUE Purpose of Higher Education
I was reading an article not too long ago that asked the question: “Is higher education a commodity?”
What Does It Mean To Be a Christian Servant Leader?
With the world in desperate need of positive and effective leadership, there has never been a better time to discuss what a servant leader is. Homes, businesses, churches, and schools all benefit[...]
What Every Home Schooled Student Needs to Know About Getting into College
Gone are the days when home schooling was a rare and uncertain thing. These days many colleges have ensured that their application processes is simple and fair for home schooled students.