It is interesting to me how particular we are when it comes supporting various causes. On our campus we have seen a growing interest in matters concerning social justice. It has been great to see[...]
The President's Pen: God Is Love
One of my favorite cartoon characters is Pepe LePew. For those too young to know or too old to remember, he is the persistent romantic skunk of Warner Brothers fame. Cartoon after cartoon shows him[...]
The President's Pen: Puzzle Pieces
You’ve seen the commercials since the first of the year. They are the before and after ads where you have people who look like me before their diet and then who look like Daniel Craig after. The[...]
The President's Pen: Cut Flowers
Elton Trueblood in his book, “The Predicament of Modern Man”, writes, “The terrible danger of our time consists in the fact that ours is a cut flower civilization. Beautiful as cut flowers may be,[...]
The President's Pen: Let's Get Real
After reading Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s recent biography I felt compelled to pull his books back off the shelf and read them again. It has been years since I was challenged by his writings. I started[...]
The President's Pen: The Problem of Evil
Andrew Delbanco, in his book, The Death of Satan: How Americans Have Lost the Sense of Evil, wrote that "a gulf has opened up in our culture between the visibility of evil and the intellectual[...]
The President's Pen: Character
It seems everyone wants to be a victim these days. From elected officials who believe they are simply targets of partisan politics to the average man in the street that feels like the whole world is[...]