Ministry Major with Multiple Concentrations

A new look to our Ministry Major is creating a more focused emphasis toward ministry.  Full-time ministry in today's church means employing a variety of skills and information to effectively teach and lead.  Ministry staff will teach lessons, design curriculum, manage conflict, evangelize, and mentor the members of their churches in a multitude of settings and roles.  Because of the increasingly diverse nature of ministry, students in the Ministry Major will complete a unified core curriculum that touches on many of the key areas of ministry development.  Students will then select a Concentration (Children's Ministry, Christian Education, Church Planting, Cross-Cultural Ministry, Pastoral Ministry, and Youth Ministry) to further develop their skills in the ministry area that best aligns with their interests and skills.  For more information contact us at 800-YES-GLCC or

By Phil Beavers | July 5th, 2016 | Categories: Uncategorized