How an Online Education Can Advance Your Career


A lot of online students are working adults who are looking for some sort of change in their lives, like advancing their careers. Here are some ways that an online education can help you move forward in your job. And of course, it’s always good to reach out for guidance on how an online program can best help you and your career. 

Job PromotionBuild New Technical Skills

Keeping up with new technological developments can feel like a full-time job. Online learning is a great way to jump into the pool of tech and learn how to work with a variety of tools in a low-pressure setting. Whether it’s watching lectures and communicating with a group via video conferencing, or working together with other students remotely on an online document, the work in your classes parallels how people work today. 

Get Qualified for a Raise or Promotion

If the only way to get ahead in your job is to get a degree, how do you go back to school while keeping the job you have? Online education helps with this dilemma perfectly. Your qualifications grow while you keep your dedication to your job. Even if you’re not going for a degree, the initiative it takes to acquire new skills with an online education impresses employers looking for people with drive and grit. Best of all, many employers will help subsidize some or all of the tuition if your coursework directly relates to your job.

Get Back Into the Workforce

Maybe you needed to take a break from your job, or you were laid off, or you needed to raise your family. Whatever the reason, online education is a great stepping stone to get back into the workforce. You can get back up to speed in your field and learn new developments. It also can demonstrate to employers that you’re serious about being a contender in a competitive job market.

Get Motivated

A person pursuing an online education while holding down a full-time job is a well-motivated worker and learner. Employers recognize this. It shows you can manage your time, be a self-starter, and that you take your field seriously. But it’s not just employers who notice this. You’ll notice it in yourself as well. An online education can be the jolt you need to get a second wind in your job or figure out that something else ignites your passions. Best of all, it can make you feel good about yourself and see your true worth in the workforce.


If you’re taking online courses in your field, who do you think you’ll meet in your classes? Other people in your field. Doesn’t that sound like an excellent networking opportunity? Working together with others in your field - or younger people looking to break into that field - is a great way to demonstrate how you work and work with others. Your fellow students will remember that if you find yourself applying for a job at their companies.

An Online Education Could Be Just What Your Career Needs.

Talk to us about how an online program can work for you. 

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By Great Lakes Christian College | August 30th, 2022 |