Are you a current high school or homeschooled student? Have you heard that college can be expensive? There is something you can do RIGHT NOW to help with the cost of college and to secure your future.
It is not a scholarship or a part-time job. It is call DUAL ENROLLMENT.
What is Dual Enrollment?
Dual enrollment means that you take college courses while you are still in high school. If you plan this right, you can graduate high school and earn an associate degree from college at the same time. Wow! You get two degrees!
The college classes that you take now are transferable to the college you attend, so that you don't have to take them in college. You can also apply your associate degree toward a 4 year Bachelor's degree. Which means you may only have to go to college for 2 years to get a Bachelor's degree.
Dual enrollment can save you an incredible amount of time and money!
Great Lakes' dual enrollment program was created specifically for any high school students that meet the admissions criteria and it's accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.
The Associate of Arts degree allows a student to do coursework in Bible Theology with some General Studies while building a foundation of Christian values for life.
Click here for a list of our dual enrollment classes and enrollment criteria.
Dual Enrollment Happens Online
A great advantage of our dual enrollment program is that is all happens online. You don't have to travel to our campus. You don't even have to live nearby!
How it works
Students who start the program at the same time are placed in a group and move through the program at the same pace by taking one course at a time.
The format allows you to log in at the time of your choosing. During each week you will complete various assignments and will interact online with your classmates and facilitators.
More Reasons for Dual Enrollment
Besides saving time and money, there are a lot of additional benefits to earning college credits in high school.
1. You can take classes that are not offered in high school or home school. This gives you a wider variety of topics and interests to choose from.
2. Great Lake's classes are all Christ-centered, so you get the added bonus of strengthening your faith at the same time.
3. Dual enrollment classes also help you prepare better for college. You will gain a good understanding of college course work and the pace. You will also earn high school credits.
Related: Colleges and Dual-Enrollment: How it Affects You
The following skills are essential for any student going into college:
- syllabus navigation
- advocating for yourself to your professor
- understanding the college coursework schedule
Ultimately, dual enrollment can significantly save money and shorten the path to earning a college degree.
We can't wait to hear from you! 
To learn more about our accredited online classes please contact:
Jon Jakubowski, Recruiting Director for Online Education
Phone: 517-321-0242, ext 249