Great Lakes Christian College

Exploring the Best Christian Rap Songs

Written by Great Lakes Christian College | Jul 24, 2019 4:51:44 PM

by Zachary Erdman, Great Lakes Christian College student 

What happens when you cross one of the most popular musical genres of our day with a passionate love for God? You get the strange delight of Christian rap!

Though Christian music and rap music are often thought to be opposites by the world at large, several Christian artists have taken up the mantle of writing Christian rap songs over the years and have used them to glorify God in a wholly new way. However, because of secular rap’s worldly reputation, a good chunk of believers in Jesus have never touched Christian rap. If you’re one of those people who have yet to be convinced of the genre, then look no further! Here are a few excellent Christian rap songs to show you how incredible the genre can really be.

Related: Play Your Way to a Music Degree from Great Lakes Christian College





TobyMac, “Lose My Soul”

An oldie but goodie, “Lose My Soul” dropped in 2007 by the popular Christian rapper TobyMac. “Lose My Soul” is the perfect introduction for those uninitiated to the world of Christian rap songs because of TobyMac’s general popularity in the world of Christian music. Not all of his discography is rap, so he’s one of the easiest Christian rappers to get into. “Lose My Soul” in particular is great for newbies because of its ethereal instrumentals and the clarity of TobyMac’s vocals.

The best part? “Lose My Soul” is a beautiful argument against materialism in light of Jesus’ promises. Its catchy lyrics point out how pointless living for possessions is, and it points its listeners to Christ to give them purpose rather than possessions. As the song eloquently puts it, “I don’t want to gain the whole world and lose my soul.”

Shai Linne, “Regeneration”

Shai Linne is a Christian rapper who writes powerful songs that help his listeners understand the teachings of Scripture in a way that’s not hard to grasp. His Christian rap song “Regeneration” is a perfect example of this: the whole message of the rap is that Jesus restores our souls from our state of being dead in sin to a state of salvation by regenerating us.

As far as the actual music goes, Shai Linne’s fierce rapping is contrasted well by the relaxed beats in the background of the song. This makes for a melodic sound that’s easy on the ears. For anybody that wants a song that’s easy to listen to and provides sound Christian teachings, Shai Linne’s “Regeneration” is the way to go!

Lecrae, “Don’t Waste Your Life”

If intense songs that go hard are what you like, then give Lecrae’s “Don’t Waste Your Life” a listen. This Christian rap song has a high-energy beat with lyrics that remind the listener that serving Christ is the only way of life that’s worth living. Any other way of life is a waste! Though the song’s hard beats and rapping aren’t for everyone, its message certainly is. For an uplifting reminder of how to live a Christian life, crank “Don’t Waste Your Life” at max volume.

Trip Lee, “Sweet Victory”

With instrumentals that are sure to bring a tear to your eye and a powerful message of struggling for Christ, Trip Lee’s “Sweet Victory” is a Christian Rap Song that’s worth at least one listen. Trip Lee presents an honest take on the difficulty of the Christian life in this song, and anybody who has lived a life for Jesus for even a short time will easily relate to it. The song also brings hope to its listeners by reminding them of the “sweet victory” that Christ has won, a message that should never be forgotten.

Beautiful Eulogy, “Satellite Kite”

Out of all of the Christian rap songs listed here, none is as overtly about the Gospel as Beautiful Eulogy’s masterpiece “Satellite Kite.” The song is broken up into two verses: the first is deeply theological, and the second is the Gospel. With insightful lyrics into the nature of God and a faithful representation of the story of the Good News, Beautiful Eulogy produced a work of art. The background instrumentals are clean and smooth, enhancing the power of the lyrics. This tune is perfect for anyone wishing to deepen their relationship with Christ through the medium of music.

Christian Rap Music Wrap Up

Each of these Christian rap songs is great for both those who haven’t ever heard a Christian rap song and for those who listen to the genre avidly alike. Far from the genre’s secular origins, these songs are fantastic examples of what music made by faithful followers of Jesus should look like. They all have something different to bring to the table, so give them a listen! You might just like what you hear.